So you like what you learned about Islam? You’ve come to realize that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that He’s to be worshiped alone without partners. You understand that Allah will not leave us in the dark without showing us how to live, and you’re now ready to convert to Islam? Well, this article has been put together especially for you. You’ve not come across this article by chance; in fact you were guided here by your Creator, Allah.
You’ve probably been praying for guidance and so Allah is answering your prayer and insha’Allah (God willing) you are now ready to become a Muslim. So how does it exactly work? Actually, it’s very simple. There’s no baptism, no odd rituals, or fancy ceremonies.
To become a Muslim, all you have to do is declare your faith in Islam. That’s it! Easy right? This declaration of faith is called the Shahadah (declaration of faith) and is the first pillar of Islam. All of the beliefs in Islam are encapsulated in these two statements that make up your Shahadah.
Ash-Hadu an La iLaha illal-Lah,
Wa Ash-Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abduhu Wa Rasuluh.
These Arabic words mean, “I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.”
When you say “La iLaha illal-Lah”, you’re saying literally that there is no God except Allah. But the word for God in Arabic is “Ilah”, which means something that is deserving of worship, so ultimately what you’re saying is that there is none worthy of worship except the one who is worthy of worship, Allah, God, the creator of the heavens and the earth.
When you say “Muhammadan Abduhu Wa Rasuluh”, you achieve two things, that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is the slave, the worshipper and messenger of Allah.
Why is this important? Well in the past, some of Allah’s prophets were wrongly deified, worshipped alongside of or in place of Allah. So this statement reinforces that worship is only for Allah. Second, by testifying that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah, you’re also accepting the message that he was given, the Quran, as well as the things he taught and the examples he set for us. Converting to Islam also means that you accept the articles of faith, the things every Muslim is required to believe in:
- Allah: God alone without partners who deserves all worship.
Angels: God’s creation – always in submission to Him.
Revelations: Manuals that God Almighty revealed to the Messengers to help people live a spiritually uplifted life.
Messengers: From Adam to Noah Moses and Jesus till the final messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon them all). They all came with the same message of ‘Worshipping God Alone”.
Judgment Day: The last day where people will be held accountable for their deeds.
Predestination: Accepting that God knows what happened in the past. He knows the future and that He is the one who decrees everything in life.
You also accept the five pillars of Islam, the actions of a Muslim, which are:
- Shahadah: Testimony of faith.
Salah: Daily prayers.
Zakah: Annual charity.
Sawm: Fasting during the month of Ramadan.
Hajj: The pilgrimage to Mecca that every Muslim must make once in their lifetime if they are capable both physically and financially.
Now that you fully understand what it means to become a Muslim, you’re ready to take your Shahadah.
Perhaps you may not have close Muslim friends or know how to get in touch with their local mosque.
We’ll be happy to assist you through your steps of converting to Islam. Feel free to chat with one of our Live Chat Agents, click here to “Chat Live” now!
Alternatively, you can schedule a call and we’ll be delighted to get in touch with you over the phone to assist you with the conversion process. Please contact us with your phone number, location and best time to call you back.
If Allah was to wipe clean every single sin that you ever committed in your life in exchange for a sincere Shahadah, would that be an excellent deal? Well, Allah makes you an even better deal. Not only will He wipe all the sins that you ever committed in your life, but He takes those sins, transforms them into rewards, and gives them back to you. So not only do you start your life from that moment without sin, but you start your life way ahead with all those rewards you’ve just been blessed with , now is that an awesome bill deal or what? Well, there’s still more..
Do you want to know what the last person to make it to Paradise gets? Well before I tell you what he gets, let me explain who he is. The last person to make it into Paradise is a person who has not done any good in his life except to declare his faith in Islam, the Shahadah, so he was sent to hellfire to atone for his unrepentant sins. So what would be a fair reward for this person? Would he be happy with a mansion in Paradise? What about a city, would that make him happy? How about a whole state for himself? A country? How about the entire earth? Surely that has to satisfy the greediest of us.
Well, Allah promises that the last person to make it into Paradise, will have 10 times this earth, and everything in it in size, all that for a sincere declaration of faith!
Once you’ve taken your Shahadah you’ve officially become a Muslim. All of your past sins are not only forgiven, but they are converted into rewards, you are as free of sin as a newborn child. Because you are in such a pure state right now, it is the best time for you to make lots of Du’a (a personal prayer of supplication), where you can ask Allah to help you along this path, and to continue to guide you and guide your family.
Allah has seriously blessed you by guiding you to this way of life that He created for you. In fact, He has also chosen you from the billions to be closer to Him and to live your life in a manner that is pleasing to Him. The first few days may be a little overwhelming, so we highly recommend that you visit NewMuslimAcademy.org and sign up for free. The New Muslim Academy has been created for new Muslims just like you, in order to help guide you step by step to make your whole experience easy.
If you didn’t take your Shahadah yet, we urge you to seriously look into Islam, and consider visiting us in the near future to help put aside your obstacles and enter into Islam. Afterall, there’s a reason you’re here today reading this, the invitation is always open.
If you have any questions or you wish to convert to Islam, chat live with one of our specialists, click here to start your live chat session now.